The Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a design process tool which helps a design team carefully consider the potential failures of the system or sub-system being designed. Specifically, the FMEA serves as a product evaluation tool and is concerned primarily with reliability, safety and quality. Broadview uses this process to identify and cover risks associated with product and process design project.


FMEA is an important tool within a suite of design process tools and methods which ensure efficient, comprehensive and optimized design and engineering during the product development cycle. Cataloging and assessing reliability risks and can be used to document and demonstrate how countermeasures improve risks for individual aspects or features, or for the system as a whole.


It is one of many design process tools at a team’s disposal during the broader design process, and is utilized after concept generation has finished and product development activity has begun. Using FMEA throughout the design process, from early concept ideation and generation, to iterative refinement, and after a product’s launch, allows a team to proactively address the risks.


It is important that the FMEA be considered a living document, which is influenced by multiple design team members, product “stakeholders,” and decision makers.

FMEA Sidebar.jpg

Click here to be directed to a more in depth look into FMEA in .pdf form

Daniel Arnold